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Unlocking Proptech Automation: Navigating the Impact on Real Estate Jobs

In the dynamic landscape of proptech, the central tenet is automation, promising substantial savings for building owners. This exploration delves into the intricate dynamics of automation within the real estate sector, specifically understanding the levels of automation at play and their feasibility.

Levels of Automation

The bedrock of automation lies in targeting routine activities, such as parcel tracking. However, the complexity arises from recognizing that these services comprise a chain of interlinked actions, each with distinct prerequisites for automation.

Example: Maintenance Automation Levels

  1. Level 1: Human involved in error identification, reporting, repairing, and sourcing solutions.

    • E.g., Identifying a broken fridge, and reporting it to the building manager, who contacts the repair service.

  1. Level 2: Human involved in error identification, reporting, repairing; and automated sourcing of a solution.

    • E.g., Taking a photo of the broken fridge, automated contact with the repair service, with direct interface options.

  1. Level 3: Human involved in repairing; automated reporting and sourcing of a solution.

    • E.g., The fridge autonomously detects an issue, contacts the repair service, and provides available repair times.

  1. Level 4: Everything is automated.

    • E.g., The fridge self-diagnoses and robots perform nocturnal repairs without user awareness.


The journey between these automation levels isn't uniform; feasibility and added value dictate the trajectory. Different links in the automation chain have varied prerequisites, spanning hardware, software, and prototyping costs. Transitioning between levels is contingent on the technology's prevalence and funding availability within proptech firms specializing in particular innovations.

Key Considerations:

  • Prerequisites: Diverse links in the chain have distinct prerequisites for automation, influencing the cost and complexity of transition.

  • Value Proposition: As proptech evolves, automation levels across the board will rise. The sequence of adoption depends on feasibility and the value added.

  • Technological Landscape: The prevalence of requisite technology among proptech firms becomes a key determinant for the timeline of increased automation.

Conclusion: As the proptech industry advances, automation becomes integral, introducing unprecedented efficiency. While robots might be the final frontier, the evolving landscape assures increased automation across the board. For a forecast of the automation timeline, monitoring technology prevalence and funding trends within proptech innovations provides valuable insights.

This article is published by, specialists in internal parcel tracking, mailroom automation software, and advanced parcel management solutions.

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